Why muscle strength is the key to staying fit past 40 with Melissa Nicholls

Dance like no-one’s watching. Be silly. Eat well. Stay hydrated. Sing at the top of your voice. Do what you love. Spend time with your friends and family. Try something new. These are things that I live by, and they give me a well-rounded lifestyle alongside my fitness routine. Health and well-being are so important, and we have now also realised that strength training should be thrown into the mix especially for women.

My name is Melissa and I have been weight training for 9 years now and I feel great! As a 43-year-old woman and Personal Trainer I work with many people who have experienced the positive results of using weights. Many of my clients are women over 40, some over 50, one is 60 and one is 72 this year. They all use weights to differing degrees and have reported no more lower- back pain, feeling stronger when carrying heavy kit for work and feeling energised and more motivated to move throughout the day. My favourite was “I’ve noticed I laugh more.” This shows that improving your fitness levels and using weights has a great impact not only on your physical health but your mental wellbeing too. As we age our muscle mass deteriorates.

And? You might be thinking…

Well, by using weights in your fitness routine you will help to maintain or build your muscle mass which will in turn boost your metabolism leading to lower body fat because muscle burns more calories at rest. It will strengthen your immune system helping to prevent illness, increase your energy levels and improve your sleep, longevity and independence. Overall, building strength and muscle will reduce stress and make you feel f***ing amazing.

It is also key for women as we age due to the risk of osteoporosis which is a weakening of the bones. Osteoporosis is more prevalent in women due to the hormone changes that happen during the menopause. Increased muscle mass will in turn help strengthen your bones and help maintain your independence in later life. You may think “I don’t want muscles. They don’t look very feminine.” Or “I don’t want to be big and bulky.” Honestly, that would take a lot of work indeed and some pretty heavy weights. You will not end up looking like Arnie, believe me.

However, incorporating weights into your routine, two or three times each week and slowly and progressively building up those weights will empower you. You will feel strong and build confidence in your own ability to carry out daily tasks, such as playing with your kids or walking the dog, running up the stairs, changing a tyre, decorating the living room or carrying the shopping. Caveat: You will experience aching muscles as you use them in way you haven’t before, but it is totally worth it as long as you stretch and embrace ‘active recovery’ by getting your steps in, you’ll be fine.

Building strength is one of the best things you can do for yourself and it will benefit everyone around you too.

For more information on 1-2-1 Personal Training sessions or small group training classes email nichofitpt@gmail.com or visit www.nichofitpt.com


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